Udemy - SQL Basics to Expert - Your Complete Learning Journey

Udemy - SQL Basics to Expert - Your Complete Learning Journey

Category : Others
Language : ENGLISH
Total Size : 2.63 GB
Uploaded By : modarator
Date uploaded: : 18 May 2024
Last Update : 18 May 2024
Total View : 38

SQL Basics to Expert: Your Complete Learning Journey-English

SQL, MySQL, SQL queries, joins, views, indexing, aggregate functions, advanced SQL functions, and more.

What you'll learn

  • Grasping the SQL and Database concepts needed for interviews and for working in industry

  • Problem-Solving Skills

  • Interview Preparation

  • Interview Answers Representation Skills

  • Effective communication of concise responses to diverse interview questions

  • Making things easier for Developer

  • Making things easier for Tester


  • No prior knowledge of coding required

  • No specific logical skill requirements


Welcome to the best journey in learning SQL! This course covers everything you need, starting from the very basics to advanced expert-level techniques. You'll learn about SQL, MySQL, SQL Queries (like asking questions to your database), Joins (putting different pieces of data together), Views (a simplified way to look at your data), Indexing (making things faster), Aggregate Functions (doing math with your data), and Advanced SQL Functions (even cooler stuff).

Throughout the course, we'll use easy-to-understand examples and exercises to help you grasp each concept. By the end, you'll be an SQL pro, ready to tackle any data challenge with confidence!

By mastering SQL through this course, you'll open up a world of exciting career opportunities. Employers are actively seeking professionals with strong database management skills, offering lucrative positions with competitive salaries. Whether you're aiming for roles as a database administrator, data analyst, software developer, or business intelligence specialist, this course equips you with the expertise needed to excel in these high-demand fields. With the right skills under your belt, you'll be well-positioned to secure rewarding jobs with attractive salary packages in industries ranging from technology and finance to healthcare and beyond.

Feel free to invest in this course to shape your career.

Who this course is for:

  • Perfect for beginners and experienced folks
  • Great for both working and unemployed people
  • Helps with switching careers or starting a new job
  • Can boost your earnings by crackng Interviews
  • Provides a path for personal development


Udemy - SQL Basics to Expert - Your Complete Learning Journey

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